How can Myotherapy benefit my dog?

Galen Myotherapy is a branch of clinical canine massage that can support a range of mobility issues.

Treatment can promote optimal muscle function throughout your dog’s life, enhancing their performance, wellbeing and recovery.

General benefits of myotherapy treatment

In addition to supporting a range of conditions, myotherapy treatment can help to reduce any pain-induced anxiety by relieving your dog’s soreness and stiffness.

Treatment using clinical canine massage techniques can improve your dog’s mood, their ability to relax and increase their energy and overall enjoyment of life.


Treatment can help to relax muscles, ease stiffness and tension.

It can help maintain the arthritic joints normal range of movement, supporting the health and mobility of surrounding soft tissue and reduce associated pain from secondary muscle problems.

More information on canine arthritis, its effect on your dog, and how myotherapy can be used to support the condition, is over on the blog.

Lameness and gait

When an injured muscle tightens excessively, it becomes unable to stretch fully or extend the limb comfortably.

Dogs learn to cope, however, chronic issues will be minimised by regular treatment, enabling them to move more comfortably and freely.

More information on gait issues, their effect on your dog, and how myotherapy can be used to support an adaptive gait, is over on the blog.

Hip and elbow dysplasia

Treatment can prevent as well as relieve compensatory and loading issues which will have developed in response to instability in the dog’s joints.

It can support rehabilitation following surgery but can also be valuable in preparing muscles prior to surgical intervention.

More information on hip dysplasia, its effect on your dog, and how myotherapy can be used to support the condition, is over on the blog. Information on elbow dysplasia can be found there too.

Senior dogs

Treatment can help to relieve many of the discomfort associated with ageing; the pain and stiffness of degenerative conditions as well as a less active lifestyle.

Treatment can improve a dog’s range of motion, muscle tone, suppleness and flexibility and overall comfort.

Cruciate issues

Treatment has an important role to play post-surgery; capable of addressing the correct rehabilitation of tissues as well as in part of a conservative management plan.

Treatment addresses the compensatory issues or areas of referred pain prior to a dog’s surgery to ensure that they do not impact their future mobility.

More information on cruciate ligament issues, their effect on your dog, and how myotherapy can be used to support the condition, is over on the blog.

Post-operative and injury recovery

Treatment can have a profound effect on the formation of healthy tissue following injury or surgery and has an important role to play in any post-operative treatment plan.

At the correct time, it is capable of addressing the correct rehabilitation of tissues as well as the needs of the dog’s entire body.


Spondylosis is a chronic, degenerative condition, characterized by the production of bone spurs along the sides, upper and lower aspects of the vertebrae.

Treatment can reduce protective tension in the body leading to an improved range of motion and flexibility.

More information on spondylosis, its effect on your dog, and how myotherapy can be used to support the condition, is over on the blog.

Invertebral disc disease

Invertebral disc disease, or IVDD is a degenerative condition that affects the discs that act as a cushion between the vertebrae of a dog’s spine.

Treatment can reduce compensation and protective tension in the body, particularly in the neck, shoulders and front limbs, as well as improving muscle tone in the less-used hind limb regions.

Sporting or working dogs

Treatment can help to keep a working dog or canine athlete in optimum condition.

Tight or sore muscles restrict joint mobility and increase the risk of injury; impacting speed, agility, drive and focus. Treatment also enhances flexibility, mitigates stiffness and reduces the chance of injury.

Nervous dogs and rehoming issues

Treatment is capable of affecting animals on numerous emotional levels.

It can promote comfort, bonding and emotional well-being; acclimatising them to being touched, helping them to make positive associations and build their confidence.

If you are concerned about your dog’s mobility, you’ve noticed they’re slowing down, they are less keen to do things they previously loved, or they already have a diagnosis, get in touch.

Call me now and let’s work together on improving the health and happiness of YOUR dog.